I tell myself every year that it is a load of tosh but I get hooked each time. Leon Jackson is the Scottish contingent on the show with a really unusual quality to his voice, a little like Paulo Nutini. Here's a wee clip ...
I think the guy has a fantastic voice but Simon Cowell and Louis Walsh have it in for Leon and he has little hope of going much further if he doesn't lose his nerves on stage.
I'll keep rooting for the lad :o)
Now I'll go and hide my face in shame at watching X Factor pmsl .. and blogging on it ffs!!!!!!!
never seen or heard of this show...and just how many of these stinkin talent shows is simon cowell on?? lol
ahgh, just about to comment, when him inside saying 'git over here, woman'!!! ;D be back aroond later!! :)
Get thee behind me satan for it is written thou shall NOT watch The X Factor LOL........
We only love watching it at the beginning to see all the retarded loons that audition lol......
But, on saying that, the wee lad has the most gorgious voice :)....
He does have a good voice, but maybe Simon's right, he seems a little passive with it...or young, he doesn't have the grit/depth of life's experiences,yet
Hey, wait a minute...am I gettin into commenting about Xfactor?...ahhgh, I've lost it for sure!!! Who Watches This Stuff??!! ;DDD
hmmm u drop by and don't even say 'hi'? lol
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