It's that time of year again when the theatres are crammed full of families and kids watching stars of the TV and stage making absolute tw*ts of themselves ... yes ..... it's Panto season!!!
I am off to the King's Theatre in Glasgow on Wednesday with my godson (pmsl - I am the Godfather hahaha) to see their panto - Sleeping Beauty. I am looking forward to this as one of my all time favorite female comediennes, Karen Dunbar, has the role of Nanny BeGood.
I will meet up with my sister and her b/f, my aunt, youngest brother and godson for the raising of the curtain on Wednesday night. A few friends are also travelling through. I am NOT a fan of panto usually, but this has become a sad tradition of the last few years that we all meet up for some laughs.
The stalwart, Gerard Kelly, is also starring but sadly Elaine C Smith (Mary Doll) will not be on stage :o(
Here's hoping for a good laugh and some of the great Karen Dunbar wit ;o)
McTavish Update -
Dad is doing really well at the moment - I'm very cautious to say too much just in case he is jinxed yet again lol. He's hoping to be transferred back to the Perth hospital which will save us all a great deal of travelling every day I can tell you. The liver has started and he's off all machines and looking pretty good too! Fingers crossed that he may be out and home by Christmas :o)
now see, didn't i say that liver would start again? :) i'm glad he's looking good and getting better.
as far as panto goes, we don't really have something like that here...least i don't think so. to be honest, i don't think it would amuse me much lol
WooooHooooo (((McTavish))))...... I knew his old liver would kick in when I was eating me lambs liver and onion with mash during the week ;) lol
Every year the week or so after crimbo I drive to Bishopstoke which is about a hour down the back lanes, to watch an amatuer dramatic production pantomine....... me nut nurse Wendy's hubby is always the dame, and we have been going to watch this production in a village hall for nigh on 9 years..... its so bloody quaint at half time they serve tea in proper teacups with saucers lol and the music is provided by some old biddy on a piano lol....... the 'helpers' are so old that each year I hunt the faces to see which ones didnt make it to this years panto :)........
Ya can stuff the big productions, this is just the bestest pantomines the world have to offer in Bishopstokes village hall :)
ps............... ITS BEHIND YOU ;)
good news!! (about your dad!) :))
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