Tuesday 5 August 2008


Howdy all in Blogland

Just a short message to say I am recovering from the surgery, very tender and popping painkillers like smarties!

If I had known a simple op was going to take weeks to heal I may not have bothered lol - I am VERY impatient and don't make a good patient hahaha

Staying with the family at the moment cause I haven't been able to do much but should be home and back to "normal" soon hahaha

Hope you are all well xxxxx

I'll tell you all about the burning flesh and smoke, 6 injections instead of 3, the bloodbath, delayed flights and a very sorry for himself Scotz in a post next week ... oh I can so tell everyone wants to hear my woes pmsl xx


Pam said...

glad to see you are back and that you are recovering from your 'wee' problem LOL

newplanet said...

Watch yourself with that pissing yourself laughing thing - sounds like it could be painful! Seriously though, glad you're on the mend and that you'll be back to ahem... normal in no time. xx

MarmiteToasty said...

Ya sound like a sissy scotsman to me LMFAO......

Seriously though, do you want me to rub it better? LOL

You fink your sore, look at the photos on my Blob from April, Ive been back in twice since then lol


love ya..... hope McTavish is well...


His Girl Friday said...

Hi Scotz,

first off,
do please define: Normal ;DDDDD

Hope you are feeling better; can't wait to hear the gory details!! ;)

MarmiteToasty said...

Surely ya back now, I KNOW YOUR SCOTTISH schools have gone back now BUT... have you abandoned us?... unless ya bits have fallen off after ya wee op and ya sold them to the haggis making factory and ya cant drag ya sore bits to the computer to type...

thinking of you ((((Scottie and McTavish))))) hope all is well...
