Saturday 24 November 2007

Was needing a laugh

I was needing a laugh and logged into YouTube. I came up with these funny commercials:

She has a wicked sense of humour just like myself lol

These guys are just helping each other out in a difficult situation. Who says men can't multi-task!! pmsl

filthy minded buggers is all I will say on the matter !!!!!

PS - "McTavish" update - he is out of intensive care and HDU and is now on a ward. Things aint brilliant but his kidneys have started functioning again. Worried about liver function at the moment but he's getting there ;o) Thanks for all messages and emails xxxxxxxxxxxx


His Girl Friday said...

Thanks for sharing the laugh!! :D
Glad to hear the good news!! :))))

Pam said...

that's so great he's out of icu and kidney's are functioning...i'll just bet that liver starts, too :) xo

MarmiteToasty said...

SOOOOoooo happy to hear the news on McTavish...... give him a snog for me, no tongues though, on second thoughts you better just make that a kiss on the cheek incase he dont like marmite lol

oh and tell him to steer clear of some of the things on the hospital food menu....... I know this from experience......... never order 'steak and KIDNEY' pie or 'LIVER and onions' they make use of all discarded body parts ya know.... thats the gods honest truth :) - shut up, it so is..

((((Scottie McTavish))))x

His Girl Friday said...

okay guys, let me and Ciara in on 'McTavish'!!! ;DDDDDD

MT, that snog best be on the auld man's cheek or you'll have his Mrs thinkin otherwise!!! ;)
Do Scottish hospitals serve up Haggis...ooh, talk about body parts!! :p ;)))

here's one for ya, though I'll deny everything!!!!!!