Tuesday 17 March 2009


Had a shit of a day and this cheered me up!

Also sending this gorgeous heart to everyone who reads this blog, hope it brightens up a dull day xx


MarmiteToasty said...

(((((Scottie))))).... sorry you had a shit day..... welcome to my world lmfao

aint that just the bestest photo..... hugs and snogs to ya laddie :)


MarmiteToasty said...

Shovelling up your piles of shit and lobbing them down the garden, you WONT be needing them this week, you are gonna have a lovely week, the sun is shiney the birds are singing and Im PMSing LMFAO hahahaha


His Girl Friday said...


I'll have a word with you hen!! all that time I was worried about Scottie, and you didn't tell me he was back!!!!!!!!!!!!!

sorry about the bad day...yep, they're going around
....hugs to ya!!

newplanet said...

Aww bless. If it's any consolation, I had a shit day too and that wee heart definitely did cheer me up. xx

Scots said...

Marmy ... you lobbing that shit down the neighbours garden? lol x

Hey HBF - hope you are good x

Newplanet - how ya doing fella .. soz to hear you had a shit day ... have some of my beeyootiful heart x

His Girl Friday said...

Things are good, just busy. Had to take a break from blogging for numerous things including harmony at home! ;D