I have 'borrowed' this from
newplanet. Hope he don't mind. Time to find out more about li'l old me ...
1. What was your best job?
The one I have now, although it may be my next one.
2. What were your worst jobs?
Paper Boy when I was a nipper, I hated the early mornings and being out in all weathers.
3. Tell me all the places you worked.
Newspaper shop, Health Food shop, Hotel (kid’s club), Outdoor Activity and Training Centre (Assistant Manager), School.
4. Tell me about your best friend.
My oldest and ‘bestest’ friend is Vicki. We have been mates for years and will remain so for years to come. We have decided that we will be grumpy old gits together in our retiring years, a bit like Jack, Victor and Isa hahaha(Chewin The Fat). We tell each other MOST things. There are some things she doesn’t know about me and I am sure there are some I don’t know about her.
5. Tell me about your family.
Direct family – Mum, Dad, 2 younger brothers and a younger sister and sister in law. Lots of aunts and uncles, cousins and hangers on ;o) One neice or nephew on the way xx
6. Tell me about your relatives.
Too many to mention ... see above.
7. What was your first car?
A Ford Escort. God, I loved that first car. It was a piece of trash and gave you a foot bath when it was raining, but it was my first car. It came to a spectacular end when it was crushed by Big Foot at a public display of monster machines. Ah, the fame!!!
8. Favourite movie star?
Jodie Foster.
9. Favourite entertainer?
Ms Victoria Wood, Ms Karen Dunbar, Mr Frankie Boyle and Mr Craig Hill – my taste is far and wide!
10. Favourite song?
At the moment it is .
11. What were your life changing moments?
Leaving home and going to Uni, first job, promotion, love, yadda yadda yadda
12. First girlfriend/boyfriend?
Oh Jeez. First girlfriend was a lass called Angela when I was about 10 yrs old. Aww the memories ;o) No boyfriend.
13. First kiss?
First kiss would be Angela but first real kiss was an older girl (ooh get me) called Elaine. Apparently when I was younger I was classed as cute by the older girls ... hmmmm now, did I play on that fact or wot!
14. What is the dumbest thing you have ever done?
Reverse my car along the road to let a car pass, and drive right into a tree! Ha ha ha ... so many people saw me do it. I was SO embarrassed.
15. Have you ever been arrested?
No. Came close on a night out in Glasgow but that’s a whole different story – young jumped up police officer! Huh
16. Political affiliation?
Swinger ... as in my vote ya filthy gits!
17. Have you voted for someone you wished you hadn't?
Erm ... nope.
18. Have you used drugs?
As little as possible. Don't like doctors or hospitals and stay away as much as possible.
19. Do you like to shop?
I hate shopping with a passion. I was dragged round shops by a lass every Saturday when I was at Uni – It took all the fun (if it was ever fun) out of shopping!
20. Best way to relax?
A hot bath with lots of bubbles, relaxing music and a glass of something bubbly.
21. Favourite thing to do alone?
The least said about this one the better I feel.
22. Ever had a one night stand?
No comment – I am an angel and have no desire to tarnish my halo ;o)
23. Do you save money?
24. What hobbies do you spend money on?
Eating out and drinking (do they count), theatre, concerts, curling. Can’t think of any more at the moment.
25. If you found a $100 note, what would you do?
Lose it again. Well, what use would foreign money be to me?
26. Do you want children/more children?
Possibly. It feels like I have 200 of them with my job though.
27. Are you a good parent?
I am not a parent but with 200 youngsters in my care it feels like I am sometimes and I think I do a damn good job.
28. What makes a good parent?
Love, compassion, understanding, good listener, fair ... the list goes on and on
29. Are you romantic?
I am a romantic at heart. Long winter walks beside the river with the snow falling, arm in arm with A N Other, wrapped up warm, stopping at a roasted chestnut stall at the riverside market and eating those as we walk home to a roaring real log fire to enjoy the rest of the afternoon ;o)
30. Ever lose a pet?
31. Dog or cat?
32. Pets growing up?
4 dogs, rabbit, guinea pig, birds, hamsters, goldfish.
33. Sleep in the nude?
Sometimes, but not when it’s cold.
34. Favourite midnight snack?
roasted cheese sandwich with lashings of Lea & Perrins.
35. Do you exercise?
I do a little but I have let my gym membership lapse and should really get back into the gym. Used to be there 4 times a week (an no I wasn't 'just' perving) – jeez what a glutton for punishment.
36. Did you ever see your parents making love?
Thankfully, NEVER!!!
37. Peanut butter and what?
I hate peanut butter.
38. What is one food you will never give up?
39. What is a food you can live without?
Anything with a creamy sauce.
40. Favourite drink?
Coke – addicted to the stuff.
41. Perfect day?
Beautiful sunlight streaming through the window. Get up and open the door to the sounds of the sea lapping against the shore and the birds singing in the trees. Breakfast outside in the garden under the sun. Walk along the beach. Take a swim in the sea and lie under the sun to dry off ..... you get the picture ... Do I need to go on?
42. How many CDs do you own?
Far too many.
43. How many DVDs do you own?
Again, far too many.
44. Favourite thing to spend money on?
Food, drink and travel.
45. What is the weirdest thing about you?
Erm ... curl my tongue.
46. What is on your bedside table?
Lamp, alarm clock, phone and a book.
47. Are you cheap or thrifty?
A bit of both depending on my mood lol but prefer to be neither.
48. Ever been in love with two people at the same time?
No. Have I ever really been in love?
49. Grades in high school?
Not too good but they were good enough to get me into Uni and a job I love.
50. Favourite teacher and why?
Mrs Anderson. Old (really old) teacher who had actually taught my mum when she was at primary school too. She lived along the road from us and I used to get sent on messages to her house if she’d forgotten something. I still remember little tricks of the trade she taught me. When I became a teacher she offered me her Lochgelly Tause ;o) hahaha
51. Relatives in jail?
52. Toppings on pizza?
I like plain cheese n tomato with torn basil leaves and pesto with black pepper and parmesan.
53. Black or white?
White or black underwear but not multicoloured.
54. Glass half full or half empty?
Kinda depends ... mostly half full unless I am in a really depressed mood.
55. Ever been to a food shelf?
Almost daily at the supermarket.
56. Ever milked a cow?
Nope. Cows are WAY to big and ugly to go near those bits!
57. Ever tipped a cow?
Nope. Poor beast!
58. Bath or shower?
Prefer a shower, although mine has given up the ghost this morning ... Imagine my reaction when I jumped under a freezing cold jet of water this morning! Hahaha I do like to relax in a hot bath though!
59. Mountains or the beach?
60. Plane, train or automobile?
I love flying so planes all the way.
61. Favourite all time movie?
Too many good un’s to choose from.
62. Worst movie you have ever seen?
Hadalgo – it’s a long story, don’t ask!
63. Best concert you have been to?
Don’t laugh too much ... Deacon Blue. Was in Glasgow and the party started on the train with friends on the way through with bubbly and Pimms hahahaha A great meal, almost got caught up in a fight (see above almost arrested) blagged great area that we hadn’t paid for and had a great night.
64. Beer, wine or coffee?
65. Best vacation?
Barbados or Egypt are probably the best and most memorable.
66. If you could retire tomorrow what would you do?
Travel round the world on a luxury cruise liner.
67. Worst vacation?
Haven’t had a bad one really.
68. Three places you would love to visit?
Kenya, Canada and NYC.
69. Worst boss?
Nasty bitch of a HT who didn’t back me up when I was assaulted by a pupil. She took action though when the little ****** assaulted her ;o) Oh how I laughed!
70. If you could do anything what would it be?
I am a great believer in the spirit life and trying not to be too similar to
newplanet, I’d love to me able to speak to the spirit world as a medium.
71. Super powers you wish you had?
Wish I could fly.
72. Ever had a massage?
No. Couldn’t imagine anything worse. I hate being “exposed” and under someone’s control.
73. Ideal romantic dinner?
Gorgeous company, candlelit Italian meal, beautiful wine ..... and who knows. ;o)
74. Dumbest purchase you ever made?
My last car. Had my “turning 30 crisis” and bought a fabulous sports car but had no thought about the money I’d be shelling out on petrol every day as I travel over 60 miles a day to work.
75. Where did you find money when you were flat broke?
I have always had a job of some sort. I used credit cards (EVIL) and decided to get rid of them all (yes, I had 3 maxed out cards) as I was getting further and further into debt. Mum and Dad were FANTASTIC when I was desperate at Uni.
76. Ever sold blood?
Sold blood? What the hell????? I don’t even give blood to the Blood Transfusion Service – it’s mine, all mine!
77. What sporting event/concert/entertainment would you buy tickets to regardless of price?
I’ll have to think about that one.
78. Ever hit a jackpot on a slot machine?
Have won £25 on one once, but that was all.
79. Ever won the lottery?
The odd £10 here and there. My mum did get 5 of the 6 numbers though ;o)
80. What would you do with your lottery winnings?
Family, friends, charity, homes (yes, plural) cars and holidays.
81. Are you a neat freak?
At work - yes. At home – NO! Jeez, what a mess this place is in.
82. Can't stand being around people who_________?
... are so far up their own backsides they have lost touch with reality.
83. Crowds or small groups?
Small groups.
84. How old do you want to live to?
As long as I can.
85. Lose your sight or hearing?
Oh jeez. Erm ..... hearing I think, if I really had to choose.
86. Ever had a crush on a member of the same sex?
Erm ... yes. See answer to No. 4 hahaha
87. Pet peeves?
2 faced-ness (is there such a word?)
88. Most annoying/gross habit?
I don’t have any ... pfffffttt.
89. Sexiest parts of a member of the opposite/same sex?
Eyes and legs.
90. Major turn offs?
Burping, farting and swearing.
91. Tattoos?
Don’t have any atr the moment but I am searching for a fabby design for my back.
93. Piercings?
No. Don’t like piercings.
94. Plastic surgery - would you/have you?
No and no.
95. Computer geek?
Define geek.
96. Trekee?
Deffo not.
97. Play an instrument?
I used to play flute and cello when I was very young but to a very poor standard. My cello was taller than me hahaha.
98. Been in a band?
In a band - no. Have sung on stage in musicals though ;o)
99. Most embarrassing moment?
Realised that my flies were undone at the END of a parents night at school. Oh the shame. I was wearing very nice boxies though lol.
100. Nude beach yes or no?
Yes. How else would I get that all over tan that I lust after? Skinny dipping is very .... erm ... invigorating! lmao